Tuesday, June 26, 2018

I Took My Work On Vacation And Guess What Got Done?

So, I went on vacation and I brought the outline of my work in progress. I was sure I would have time in the car to flesh out some characters, work on some chapters, and possibly even finish a draft! I kept my work bag next to me so I could work in all my spare moments.

When my kids got bored and I reached in my work bag for the travel games I'd brought, my hand brushed my work papers. But I didn't pull them out. Instead I listened to trivia questions, found letters on the alphabet on signs, played travel bingo, and looked at license plates from all over the country.

When we all needed a little pick me up and I reached in my bag for the treats, my hand brushed my work papers. But I didn't pull them out. Instead, we decided to see who could eat the most sours and passed out all the yummy treats for those who didn't dare.

Each night when we got back to the hotel, my hand brushed those work papers when I reached in to get the key to the pool. But I didn't pull them out. Instead, I headed down to the pool to watch my kids play and soaked in the hot tub.

By the end of the vacation, I'd dragged those work papers all over but hadn't pulled them out once. But I don't regret it. I have precious memories with my family that will last a lifetime. Work will always be there. (And yes, I've been trying to catch up since I got home.) But that's the best thing about being a writer/mom. I can do what works for me and while it can be tricky finding a balance, I love that I have choices.

And I wouldn't trade that for anything.

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