Saturday, February 16, 2019

In the Non-Fiction Corner: Peace Be Unto You

In the Non-Fiction Corner With Lauren

I really loved this book. But before I get to that, David Morgan is the kindest ever. He wrote a note in the front of the book thanking us for doing the review. I have never seen someone do this before! So if you want to read this book simply because the author is kind and thoughtful, I fully support your decision. However, if you are more interested in reading books because of the subject matter, this book will not disappoint in that arena either. All around it is a well-researched and thought out book about a topic that affects every person. By reading it, I have come to understand those with anxiety better and even learned how to cope with my own worries and doubts.

I will admit, I have been one of those people who doesn’t understand anxiety that well. I have wondered why people can’t just give a lesson or do their ministering, no one feels comfortable with it, its just something that we all have to do. Morgan gives a great description of what anxiety feels like. He talks about when the Savior is asleep on the boat during the storm. His Apostles believe that it doesn’t matter to Him whether they perish or not, because he isn’t even helping throw water out of the boat, He is just sleeping! But Morgan points out that the Savior is able to sleep because he knows the outcome. He knows they aren’t going to die that day, and because of that knowledge, he is calm (and apparently very tired.) The apostles, like us, do not know the outcome. We cannot control our surroundings, and sometimes the thought of things not going how we plan causes us anxiety. The feeling that you need to be in control of every aspect of your life, even when that’s not possible, is sometimes so overwhelming for people that they cannot function. I had never thought of living like this. From Morgan’s career in counseling, he is able to give real-life examples and shares techniques that he has found effective for himself and for those he helps. This book almost made me wish I was having some anxious feelings so I could test out some of the things he was suggesting!

I also enjoyed the chapter on Jacob from the Book of Mormon. I didn’t realize how many times Jacob uses the word anxiety, and the author uses Jacob as a case study for things that we can all do when we start to have these feelings. He bases them all in scripture, quoting Jacob all along the way, and gives ideas like try hard things, accept counsel, and give up the need to be perfect all the time. This book is well worth your time, and if you or someone you know suffers from anxiety, this is the perfect read to bring peace to your soul.

You can get your copy here

Here's the back copy:

Have you ever been out for a walk, minding your own business, and then out of nowhere a dog rushes out and starts barking at you…What did you feel like?’ My heart rate jumped, breathing grew shallow, and I felt great fear. It was an automatic and immediate response, requiring no thought on my part, an uncomfortable feeling as well. She sighed and said, ‘I feel like that all the time.’” Just as one of Dr. David Morgan’s patients describes in his book, all of us experience anxiety to varying degrees. Whether you feel anxiety all of the time, or occasionally when stressful situations arise, there’s something to learn in his new book, Peace Be Unto You: anxiety management through gospel principles. With anecdotes from years of practice as a psychologist, stories from the scriptures, and powerful life metaphors, Dr. Morgan delivers an insightful look into human psychology and how we can overcome anxiety through thought work and trusting in God. He gives specific insight and counsel in how to deal with anxious feelings, how to overcome the obstacles anxiety creates, and how to help those you love deal with anxiety. This book will give you specific, applicable tools, both psychological and spiritual, and immediately lift your spirit and give you hope that you can conquer any anxiety in your life.

In eleven thoughtful chapters, Dr. Morgan teaches that anxiety is a part of life that we should expect to experience, but that we are in control and can develop personal power through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He creates a case study from the book of Jacob in the Book of Mormon, showing through a close reading that this powerful prophet suffered from anxiety, while identifying how he overcame his difficulties. Dr. Morgan teaches psychological tools such as mindfulness, visualization, thought work, and coping strategies that offer immediate solutions readers can apply to their lives, as well as teaching how feelings of love and confidence can empower those who struggle with anxiety. Finally, he offers guidance to those who want to help others suffering from anxiety, offering profound wisdom from his years of experience in the field. Dr. Morgan’s psychological expertise, combined with his mastery of the doctrine of Jesus Christ, make him the ideal mentor for anyone who wants to learn how to understand anxiety and its purpose in our progress in life.

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