Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Writer Goal Wednesday

photo credit: plnaugle via photopin cc 

Well, let's take a peek at my goal progress for this week.

  • I have been working on the novella for Rafe and Claire.  I'm hoping to have it to my critique group next week. No, let me rephrase: MY GOAL is to have it to my critique group next week.

  • I am putting the finishing touches on my revision and update for Through Love's Trials. That should be finished and uploaded TODAY! (Or maybe tomorrow. I'm really trying hard to push through and get this one done. But my goal is today.)

  • I gave my feedback to the narrator for the audio book of All Fall Down and he's been back in the studio making the fixes.  I should get to listen to those tomorrow and I'm really excited about that!  My goal is to have that approved and on to the next stage this week.

  • I joined a promo partners group to help boost visibility of my books.  It's still in the beginning stages, but I'll let you know how that goes.  My goal is to be all in and help it work.

So, some great progress I think!  At first, I was thinking that I didn't make very much progress this week, but once I see it in black and white, I feel like patting myself on the back. I did awesome this week!  Babysteps, right?

How did you do on your goals this week?

1 comment:

Debra Erfert said...

Great goals! And I'm very interested in that promo partners group, if there are any openings in it. If it's a closed group, no worries.

It's a good idea to keep a written track of your goals, so you can look back and see if you've obtained them, and what you need to work on. I'm a chicken. I won't do that. At least not right now.