Monday, October 30, 2017

Being Sick Is The Worst--Come Cheer Me Up!

I'm sorry that I won't be able to give you the planned book review today. I am battling pneumonia at the moment and not feeling very well. My life is revolving around rest and medication to try and help me get better.

If you have a moment, and feel like cheering me up, tell me what you're going to be/do for Halloween tomorrow! I am so sad I will be missing all the festivities. :(


Jon Spell said...

I'm sorry you're sick, Julie!

We had a blast at work. Several of the office assistants and a couple project managers got together and put on something special. There were movies playing in two locations (Young Frankenstein, Sixth Sense, the Goonies) They had a magician and a tarot card reader. Apparently, I'm a party boy and if I give up my partying ways, my life will be smoother. =)

They had all kinds of neat snacks, including these gruesome cupcakes with strawberry jelly on top and something that looked like a piece of glass in it. And of course, the costumes. I dressed up as one of the monks in Holy Grail who bonks himself on the head with wood. There was an amazing Bride of Frankenstein and a Moana. There was a quad of Waldos, a T-rex on a scooter (?) and the cast of Archer.

All in all, best Halloween work party I've ever seen, and I've been there over 10 years. I did not get a lot of work done, though.

Oh, and I'm starting NaNo tomorrow. Woo!

Feel better soon! Hope some of your kids share their loot and give you some peanut M&Ms.

Julie Coulter Bellon said...

That sounds fun. Thanks for cheering me up, Jon! Nano is going to be fun!