Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Fresh From Heaven

photo credit: callocx The Touch via photopin (license)

My grandson was born yesterday. It sounds so cliche, but as I sat there holding this precious sweet boy, it just reminded me of the miracle our lives truly are. How amazing it is to have someone fresh from heaven in your arms, looking at you as if they know you and love you already.

The thing that melted my heart, though, was watching my son hold his own son. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was holding him in my arms, worried if I'd be a good mother to him. He was my firstborn and I was so unsure about doing everything right. But we learned together.

He was my buddy, my little boy who loved to laugh and rarely cried. Always my little shadow who loved to play cars with me and Legos and go swimming and for walks around the block. That little shadow quickly outgrew mine, though, and I've watched him grow into a thoughtful and kind man, who is now a husband and father of two little boys. I can hardly believe it. When all those older mothers told me time goes so fast I didn't believe them. But it really does.

It's these eternal moments that make me look back, my heart overflowing with love on what an incredible blessing parenthood is and the even greater joy of being a grandparent.

There really isn't anything better.

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