Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Writer Goal Wednesday

photo credit: plnaugle via photopin cc 

Last week I made my goal to finish my novella.  As you may have guessed over the past months, I was having a hard time with this novella.  Part of the reason was the novella really wanted to be a full blown novel. Cutting back and making it shorter just wasn't working, but I wasn't sure what to do about it because I had it in my head it should be a novella.

And then this week I was getting out of the shower and an idea for a short, romantic novella just came to me. Whole. All the chapters, the characters, the storyline, everything.  And I got dressed and hurried downstairs and wrote half the novella in one sitting. It was awesome. Freeing. I loved that feeling!

So now I am going to make the original novella into a full-fledged novel. That's how it was meant to be.  And this new novella has been such a joy to write I can hardly stand to be away from the computer. When I do have to be away (that whole mom thing, you know) I'm thinking about it and laughing over the dialogue running through my head.  I think I'll be finished with it by tomorrow or the next day at the latest and I'm super excited about it.

Isn't it funny how things seem to always work out how they were meant to?

How did your goals go this week?

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