Wednesday, November 21, 2012

NaNo Isn't Going to Happen So Instead I'm Going To . . .

Before we get to it, I have to share this with you.  It was so funny!  Karlene over at Insplasher "interviewed" me for the blog tour.  Click here to see how mean I was.

Well, this month did not go as planned.  My NaNo word count is only at just over 18,000.  I'm sort of sad that I didn't do more, but happy I did as much as I did.  I don't want it to be a total NaNo bust, though, so, I'm going to make a new goal for myself.  I'm going to try to do a half-nano and get to 25,000 words before the month is out.

Who's with me?  How are you doing on your NaNo word count?


~T~ said...

I'm not even attempting NaNo, but I know what you mean. I was 2/3 of the way through a short story when the computer died. And my cold got worse. And the toilet broke. And...

Jon Spell said...

Yeah, I pretty much gave up. I couldn't find the time to write and I hit this one point in my story where I didn't know how to get from one point to another. In my sketchy outline, I wrote "they find a clue that leads them to the rendezvous." I just had a really hard time coming up with a realistic clue. I talked to my wife about it and she wanted to know all sorts of background data (some of which I hadn't fleshed out yet) and it, I don't know, demotivated me. Next time, I will just put a placeholder in that spot, and move on with the rest of the story. ("She couldn't believe that the professional hitman took the victim's cell phone with him. We can track his location with the phone's GPS!")

I've started carrying my Alphasmart around with me, hoping that I can pull it out and do some on-the-spot writing, maybe while hanging out with the in-laws.

Tell you what, Julie. (What? I just told you.) It's about 7K words for you to hit a half-nano, and it's about 7K words for me to hit a one-third nano (17K total) I'll join you for the last leg of the marathon! =)

Jordan McCollum said...

A half-no is better than no-no!



I did a half-no my first "official" Nano year. Better than nothing, definitely!

Debra Erfert said...

I'm almost at 30K. I know I'm not going to reach the 50K by the end of next week, but I did finish the rough draft of The Color of Paisley manuscript. Yay! And therefore I went back to my original NaNo story, Relative Evil. I will continue on that through the end of the month, and then go back and do some editing on TCofP. If it wasn't for NaNo, I wouldn't have had so much done on Relative Evil. I'm so, so thankful for NaNo even if I'm not going to "win", I'm still a winner. It got me jumpstarted.

Jon Spell said...

I just read the interview. It reminded me of some of Rob's "interviews" in the past.

(I had a problem with the name Skip at one point myself.)

Debra, you're a winner in my book! (I mean that figuratively; you're not actually IN my book.)

Unknown said...

I hit 50,002 on Saturday after writing alot of 6,000 word days. This story had been brewing in the back of my head for years now, probably why it was easy to get that kind of word count.

rebecca h jamison said...

18,000 words is awesome! Especially since you're in the middle of a blog tour and have a big family to take care of.

I've pushed myself to write 2000 words every weekday, so I'm at 40,000, but it's mostly just one big brainstorm. I wouldn't want to post even one page of it online.

I'll be ready for a break come December.