Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Being That Friend And Feeling The Love

photo credit: SheldonPhotography Salt Lake City, Temple Square Christmas via photopin (license)

I took my kids to see the lights on Temple Square last weekend. It was so beautiful, but we didn't stay very long. My little boy couldn't concentrate on the beauty of the lights because he was cold. He kept saying his legs were like "icicles" and he "couldn't walk another step" and that was all he could focus on. Luckily Dad and big brother stepped up to carry him and when he was in their arms, he was warm enough to finally lift his head and see the amazing displays that surrounded us. 

Sometimes I think life is like that. When we are cold, or sad, or lonely, it's hard to see the beauty and blessings all around us. When we have a friend to carry us or listen to us or just be there for us, we start to feel the warmth of their love enough to lift our heads and see the loveliness that surrounds us. 

But, even more, when we ARE that friend, the one reaching out to help and carry and be there for others, then light and love shines from within us and warms everyone from the inside out, including ourselves. Most of all, though, helping someone else changes our focus and brings us closer to what's really important. 

So, today, I'm just feeling grateful for the people and all the light and love I've been blessed to have in my life and for the opportunities I've had to share it. 

And I'm hoping you're also feeling some light and love this Christmas season! Have you done anything that really lifted and inspired you so far this month?

1 comment:

Alyson said...

Thanks for that reminder