Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Writer Goal Wednesday

photo credit: plnaugle via photopin cc 

It has been a super busy week, but I thought I'd check in with my goal progress.

I did not finish the current draft of my work-in-progress.

I DID reveal The Captive cover.

I did not finish the final edits on The Captive but I'm close! I couldn't help myself. I'm editing this to death. Sigh. Hopefully it makes it a stronger book and not . . . you know . . . a lamer book.

This is the last pass, though. I promise.  (I need an Editors Anonymous Support group. Seriously. Hi, I'm Julie Bellon and I have a hard time letting my projects go because I edit them to death.)

But, my new novella Truth or Dare that is in the Under the Mistletoe collection is out and doing very well. And I'm teaching at a conference this weekend so I'm really happy about that. So, you know, balance in all things. (You can buy it here for $4.99)

How did your week go? Any goals you're working on?

(And have you entered the Spooktacular Giveaway? You totally should! Click on the image in the sidebar.)

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