Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Writer Goal Wednesday

photo credit: plnaugle via photopin cc 

Well, this week went great for me! I got in 3214 words and I'm nearly done with the first draft of this novel! Woohoo! I am really enjoying the turns the story has taken and the way the characters are shaping up. I think this might be my new favorite book!

As I mentioned before, I am trying something I've never done before---writing two books simultaneously.  So far that's not going great. I've done really well on Book One, but Book Two isn't even half done. But, the good news is, that when I finish Book One's draft, then I'll do Book Two and can edit them at the same time, maybe? I don't know. But I am still excited at the idea of releasing two books in a series at or near the same time.

So, my goal for next week is to finish the first draft of Book One! And write five pages on Book Two.  It's a big goal, but I think I can stretch to accomplish it this week.

How did you do on your goals this week?

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