Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Word Count Wednesday

Well, since I'm on a deadline I did great this week! I got 3930 words and am right on schedule.  My critique group will be getting the first peek at my new novel tomorrow and I can't wait to hear what they think about it.  I know they will have some good feedback for me, and as hard as it is to hear sometimes, it definitely makes my books better. Plus, we always eat great food and gab and laugh until late, so I'm looking forward to that.

How did you do last week?


Debra Erfert said...

This past Thursday Mike had cataract surgery. We went to Phoenix to the best place in the state. Needless to say, writing wasn't high on my list of activities this past week, although it turns out I was able to whip out 2,398 words in between my responsibilities of being his driver, nurse, and preparing for an upcoming family wedding. I'm soooo looking forward to next week. Hopefully things will settle down and I can concentrate on writing!

I hope your crit group isn't too hard on you. Loved your first chapter!

Julie Coulter Bellon said...

Debra, even when you're busy you still nearly beat me in word count! Curses!

And I'm glad you loved the first chapter. I can't wait to see what you think of the rest. :)