Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A Peek Into An Author's Life

My new regency romance, The Highlander's Hidden Heart, comes out a week from tomorrow. I've been working hard on all the final details and can hardly wait to share it with you!

But at 4 a.m. this morning, I was sleeping soundly and suddenly woke up with the horrible thought of, "Oh no, was the butler's name Jenkins through the whole book? Or did I forget to change it in the beginning?" 

And then I couldn't go back to sleep. 

You see, on my first published book, my hero's eyes were blue in the beginning of the book and green at the end, and no one caught it. Not the editors or typesetters or me. And I couldn't correct it until the second edition! So I'm a little paranoid about details like that and am usually very careful. 

So, this was a bit of a nightmare for me.

Guess who was checking her manuscript early this morning? Thankfully, all was well. I hadn't forgotten to change the name.


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