In the Non-Fiction Corner With Lauren
There were several parts of her book that made me stop and think. I loved the premise of her book, which was her parents life motto of “Enjoy It!” No matter what hardship is happening, we can take a moment and because of our covenants, see the bigger picture. What an attitude to have! Some other quotes from her book that I enjoyed were when her father was offering someone a calling and they said they couldn’t accept it because they smoke. His response was, “you used to smoke!” I also learned that her and all nine of her siblings graduated from BYU, which made my heart so happy this rivalry week. Julie B. Beck is an extremely talented writer and a bright woman who aims to empower and inspire all women to be the best that they can be.
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Here's the back copy:
In a world of challenges and insecurity, how can we find confidence and live joyful, faith-filled lives? How can we gain the blessings promised to the Lord’s covenant people?
Sister Julie B. Beck, former Relief Society General President, offers answers to these questions in Joy in the Covenant. She writes: “The reflections in this book are personal expressions of deep-seated feelings and beliefs...In these reflections, I draw heavily on the lives of my parents and the lessons I have learned from them. They were my first earthly teachers, and their examples formed the foundation for my faith.”
Sister Beck prompts us to reflect on our identity and purpose, both as members of earthly families and the house of Israel. Her insights are simultaneously challenging and encouraging, profound and practical, authoritative and friendly. The messages found in Joy in the Covenant speak to all of the joy that can be found in living the gospel of Jesus Christ and in being part of God's covenant family.
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