Thursday, April 13, 2017

Spring and Dandelions

My little boy was so excited to have a sunny day today, he wanted to have a picnic for dinner. I'd had a long and busy afternoon, but couldn't resist his excitement, so I dragged our plates and utensils out to our front yard and we had a picnic, just like he wanted.

While I was sitting there eating my meal and listening to how his day at school went, I was hearing the birds singing, the breeze was blowing through my hair, and I just felt so content and happy. It was one of those moment you wish you could freeze in time.

After we were done eating, both of my youngest children collected dandelions for me and presented me with a little bouquet. They were so happy to be able to give me something so pretty that my heart melted a little. It's one of the perks of being a mom, for sure, is getting those tiny gifts that fill your heart.

When we finally had to come in, I was still clutching my little bouquet because I think I'm going to press it. I want to have something to remind me of this sweet moment and that I should never lose sight of what is really important---time spent with family. I know tonight's dinner is a fun memory I'm going to cherish, and all because of a sunny day and a little boy who wanted a picnic.

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