Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Word Count Wednesday

Instead of writing, I've been working on wedding stuff because my oldest son is getting married next week! Woohoo! I'm so happy for him. But there's a lot of work to do when you're the mother of the groom. (I did finally find a mother of the groom dress that I love, though. So, whew on that part!)

I really will need some help getting back into my novella after the wedding is over.  I'm trying to think of ways to help that along.

So far I have:

  • Read over my plot outline and character bible.
  • Have some quiet time to allow the ideas to come.
  • Write every day no matter what. Even if it's only half an hour.

What are your favorite tricks for getting back into the writing groove after you've taken some time off?

1 comment:

Debra Erfert said...

I read what I'm working on from the beginning to get that enthusiasm back. It works every time. Good luck with the wedding. I was the mother-of-the-groom twice, and each time I cried like a silly fool. We love our baby boys no matter how old they get. Enjoy this time, Julie, even if it is exhausting. :)