I am so excited to introduce you to LDS author Misty Moncur. This is probably the most fun I've had with an interview for a long time because she's so witty and her answer to the last question totally made me laugh. I hope you enjoy it as well.
Welcome Misty!
If you could have any superpower what would you choose?
Invisibility. Not so I could walk in on anyone showering or anything, but just so I could go about my business without people pestering me. I’m really selfish with my me-time like that. But if I had to use the superpower in a superhero capacity, I guess I’d pick super strength because that would probably be useful if I needed to lift rubble off of people.
If you could meet one person who has died who would you choose?
This is going to sound like I’m trying too hard, but while I was doing research for Daughter of Helaman, I developed kind of a crush on Captain Moroni from the Book of Alma. He was innovative, clever, opinionated, a man who evoked (still evokes) loyalty, and a powerful writer. But I think I would be so intimidated we wouldn’t have much of a conversation.Me: “Hey, Moroni.”Him: “Hello.”Me: (after 43 seconds of awkward silence) “So…those kingmen, huh?”
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
I don’t know about should, but people who read my book will be both entertained and uplifted; if those things interest you, you would like reading it.
Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
I really love to hear from people who have read my book. I don’t need them to say they loved it—I get enough of that from the folks—but I do like to hear that it made them cry. Because who doesn’t like to make people cry?
If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be?
When I was young I really loved the idea of The Secret Garden. A place all your own with beautiful things growing in it? Sign me up! I grew up with six brothers and sisters, so I guess that’s why a place all my own sounded so great to me. I still like the idea of a place no one knows about and no one accompanies you to (like I said, I’m pretty selfish with my me-time). But then of course there were the manor house with its unexplored rooms and the moor with its wild beauty and Dickon and his animals. Who wouldn’t want to live there?
What's one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors?
Don’t stare at the blank screen for too long. Pretending to be a starving writer is only fun for a little while. So what if your words aren’t perfect in the first draft or the second or even the third? You can’t edit, sculpt, and hone something you have not written. Just write. Get the ideas down even if the writing doesn’t sound perfect. (Editing is the fun part anyway).
Who are your favorite authors of all time?
I really love the way LuAnne Rice writes families and the complexities within them. Her beautiful prose evokes emotions in her readers that make her stories memorable.
Can you see yourself in any of your characters?
I can see pieces of myself in all my characters, but even if I attempted to pattern one after me, I think I’d get it wrong.
What's the best advice anyone has ever given you?
Don’t shave your legs above your knees
Keep writing and you’ll be happy.
It’s a toss up.
You can visit Misty's blog here
Learn more about her books here
Or buy her book here
Thanks so much for the interview Misty!

The "conversation" with Captain Moroni made me laugh out loud. Great interview! And I totally agree that editing is the fun part! I'd much rather edit a draft than draft a new manuscript.
Someone once gave me that same piece of advice--about not shaving above the knee. Really! I didn't take it, of course. And I'm writing to stay happy, so Misty's friend must've been brilliant!
Love the front cover, BTW. Very artistic.
Stephanie: I so disagree. Editing sucks more than a black hole.
Thanks, Julie! I had a lot of fun doing this too!
You are so stinkin' cute Misty! It's always so fun to read your interviews...you always make them so much fun! Thanks!
Thanks for the "magic chuckles" and I did enjoy the fresh perspective!!
I heartily second Misty about The Secret Garden and making people cry! ;-)
You're so fun, Misty! I worry that if I ever get published, no one will read my interviews 'cause I'm just not as clever as you!
Oh, and editing SUCKS!!!!!
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