Monday, February 10, 2025

Date Night Blog Hop!

I am participating in a really fun blog hop with all sorts of fun date night ideas! Here is a date night idea from my newest small town romance, Love Lights the Way. 

My main characters, Ben (the town's new policeman) and Karissa (a high school teacher) are going to go snowshoeing and then come back to Karissa's house for her specially-made hot chocolate. Sounds so cozy, right? But there's an unexpected visitor and Ben makes a little confession so everything doesn't quite go as planned. Sometimes the road to love isn't smooth, but it's always worth it. I hope you enjoy it!

Here's a little excerpt from the book:

She glanced over at Ben. “You sure you’re ready for this?”

For the first time since he’d gotten out to talk to his visitor, he smiled. “Ready or not.”

They got out of the car and Karissa showed him how to put the snowshoes on. It had been years since anyone had used her dad’s snowshoes, but she’d been careful to take good care of them. A tiny part of her had worried that it would hurt to see Ben use them, but when they fit perfectly on his foot it felt like her dad was giving his approval in a way. Yet, there was still the issue of Ben’s past. Was he stuck there?  She didn’t know, but she wasn’t going to allow any of that to ruin the afternoon she had planned.

With the pack firmly on her back, the snowshoes on their feet, and poles in hand, they started forward. Ben was stepping gingerly, getting used to the feeling. They walked for about fifty feet until the snow got a little deeper. “You doing okay?” she asked.

“Yeah.” He looked over at her. “It’s not as weird as I thought.”

“You thought it would be weird?” She laughed. “Like how?”

“Like walking on water or something. I just wasn’t sure how it all worked.” He looked up at the sky. “It’s magical in a way. Like we’re supposed to be sinking into this snow, but we’re on top of it all.”

“Isn’t it great?” There was no feeling like it. “Nothing but the snow, the sky, and hearing your own self think.”

They walked side by side until they got to some trees where the path narrowed. Ben dropped back to let Karissa lead the way. The conditions were perfect---not too hot or cold, the snow not too soft or packed. She led them to her favorite viewpoint, undid her snowshoes, then sat down on the large rock that overlooked the valley. “Ready for a break?” She put her pack down and opened it. “I brought you a protein bar.”

He undid his snowshoes as well, then sat down next to her and took the offered snack. “Thanks. I had packed a few things, but forgot to grab it again after my unexpected visitor.”

“It’s fine.” She gave him a sympathetic smile and offered him a water bottle. “Got to stay hydrated.”

“Okay, I’m feeling woefully unprepared,” he said with a frown. “My CO would have put me on KP duty for a week or something.”

“Well, you could make me dinner again if that would make you feel better.” She laughed and nudged his shoulder. “Besides, I invited you, so it’s only fair that I make sure you’re taken care of.”

“Thanks. I just wasn’t expecting you to do that. I’ll figure out a way to return the favor.” He unwrapped his protein bar.

“If you want, we can just count the shwarma. That stuff was amazing.” Unless he meant he wanted to return the favor by taking her out on a date. That would be different. Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything.

            He didn’t comment and they sat there finishing up the protein bars while watching the view and 

sipping their water. “It’s so peaceful up here,” he commented. “It’s perfect.”

She agreed. “If you ever need to come up here without me, feel free. I’m sure Mr. Green won’t mind.” She could feel a frustration in him, an anxiety that hadn’t been there before. Maybe being up here could soothe that.

He shoved a hand through his hair. “I’m probably really bad company right now.”

“Hey, it’s okay. Everyone has rough days.” She took another sip of her water. “I was serious yesterday, though. If you ever want to talk to me about something, it won’t go any further.”

            He leaned his arms on his knees and bent his head to look at her. 

Have you ever been snowshoeing? Did you love it? 

If you want to read Ben and Karissa's story (and see how their date ends!) you can get your copy HERE

Click HERE to go to tomorrow's stop on the blog tour. 

Here is the full schedule of date night ideas if you want to take a peek. Happy Romance Month! 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025 Aminata Coote
FB Page: @aminatacoote
Click HERE for Aminata's Dating Excerpt Blog Post

Thursday, February 6, 2025 R. F. Whong

Saturday, February 8, 2025 Corilyn Holloway
FB Page: @corilynholloway

Monday, February 10, 2025 Julie Coulter Bellon
FB Page: @authorjuliecoulterbellon

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 Angela Ruth Strong
FB Group:

Friday, February 14, 2025 Heather Wood
FB Page:

Saturday, February 15, 2025 Amy Walsh
FB Page:
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 Mishael Austin Witty
FB Page:

Wednesday, February 19, 2025 Maria T. Henriksen
FB Page: @mariathenriksen

Thursday, February 20, 2025 April Kidwell
FB Page: @aprilkidwellauthor

Friday, February 21, 2025 Temperance Johnson
FB Page: @temperancejohnson

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