Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday Morning Book Report

Monday Morning Book Report: Well, it was a crazy week.

I got a deal on a trilogy set in the 1840s, and two of the books take place in Central Asia (I love learning about new places and other cultures) and the romances looked really interesting, so I dove in. 

Each of the three books was around 500 pages, but I sort of took that as a personal challenge and read them all in the last week. The storylines were compelling and the setting was amazing, but if you are a sensitive reader, there was a little spice in all the books and two of the books dealt with really difficult material that was hard for me to get through. (One of the heroes endures horrible torture, another book describes some horrific child abuse). 

The middle book in the series was enjoyable for me because it was an action adventure romance featuring a couple who had married years ago in London, but the bride ran away. Twelve years later her groom finds her in a remote area of Central Asia, and they're trying to make their way back to each other while on a rescue mission. 

So, in the end, I guess what I'm telling you is that I've had a lot of late nights in the last week, but I read three books! What book are you reading? Have you been up late reading this past weekend?

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