Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Power of Fifteen Minutes!

I got to teach at a Leadership Summit yesterday about the power of fifteen minutes. It mainly focused on my marketing plan and how authors can use just fifteen minutes a day to build their author business, but really it could apply to anything in life.

When I was a young mother, I was really overwhelmed trying to take care of everything I had on my plate. When I became an author, I was asked to do book signings and marketing and I had a hard time finding balance. When I realized that I could tell myself to just do one thing for fifteen minutes and make progress on it, my life really changed. I applied that to my marketing and writing and it really helped me not be so paralyzed and overwhelmed. It might not seem like much, but every drop in the bucket adds up!

It was really fun to be with those women yesterday and I hope something I said inspired them!

Have you used the power of fifteen minutes in your life?

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