Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Which Project Should I Work On?

I was going through some old files the other day and found a book that I'd started, but never finished. I read the first three chapters and it's not bad! I kind of want to finish it now . . . but Second Guess is still calling to me. Elliot was in big trouble when I left him last.

Sometimes being a writer and having to make decisions is hard! LOL I wonder if I can write both of them at the same time? I'm just not sure! But I do love the premise of the story I found and I'll definitely finish it someday if not now. 

One of the questions I get asked a lot is where I find the ideas for my stories. Honestly, I have so many book ideas I will never live long enough to write them all. Story ideas come to me all the time. Usually when I don't have paper or a computer handy, haha! I've even written story and scene ideas on napkins just so I could get it down before I forgot. I've found it's always a good idea for me to have paper of some sort nearby. And I'm super grateful for YOU, my readers that always read the stories I finish. 

So tell me, what are you reading these days?

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