Tuesday, June 30, 2020

In the Non-Fiction Corner AND a Giveaway!

In the Non-Fiction Corner With Lauren

Scot Proctor’s new book Eleven Things You Probably Didn’t Know About The Book of Mormon is the first book of a new series Proctor is working on about different topics that church members wish they knew more about. Scot’s book was a pleasure to read, and it made me love him even more. I had the privilege to go with Scot on a trip and already knew he had a vast knowledge, and this book gives him a chance to share all the knowledge he has with more people. He uses research he has done on biblical times, the life of Joseph Smith, and even quotes and information from modern prophets and apostles. You can tell that Scot has done a lot of research and really knows his stuff. I appreciated that Scot put in some insights that we don’t necessarily get directly from The Book of Mormon, but he knows about life and culture during that time that he is able to teach and help the reader dig a little deeper in his or her knowledge.

I learned far more than 11 things while reading this book, but I particularly enjoyed the chapters on what names in The Book of Mormon mean and the chapter on seer stones. I think that seer stones are interesting to a lot of people, and Scot enlightened me to things like what “urim and thummim” means and what they probably looked like based on a description by Lucy Mack Smith. The chapters are very short and easy to read, and they are full of information that I hadn’t come across before. I cannot wait to see what Proctor gives us with the rest of this series; I look forward to reading them all!

Don't forget to scroll down and enter the giveaway!

Get your copy here

Here's the back copy:

This is the beginning of a little series that I’ve been working on for a long time that I’m calling: “The Eleven Things” series. This is the first one called: Eleven Things You Probably Didn’t Know about the Book of Mormon. I’ve found over nearly 20 years of teaching adult and young adult institute that many miss the hidden gems in the scriptures. They miss the details and many of the “ah-ha moments” that are densely packed into Holy Writ.

You will love this book. It is a fun read. You'll have lots of ah-ha moments. It will excite you to learn even more about the incomparable Book of Mormon. You will learn things you've just never known before.

Generally, if you are purchasing this eBook, you’re a self-selected student of the scriptures and likely seasoned in the scriptures, or you’re a curious student of the gospel who just thirsts for learning and wants to know more, or you unabashedly have a high degree of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) so you want to be sure you are up to date on things you didn’t know.

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