Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What I'm Reading Now, Writing Now, & Looking Forward to on Thanksgiving

Last night I met with my critique group and discussed the first three chapters of my new project. I'm so excited to share this with you! Of course it won't be released until sometime next year, but so far it's shaping up really well.  It's fun doing something completely different, although I know I will come back to the Hostage Negotiation Team series eventually.  I still have Jake's story to tell! How did you do with word count this week?

I just got Rachel Nunes new book Blinded and since I've been following her series with Autumn Rain for quite some time, I was thrilled to see a new book out!  I've hardly been able to put it down for a second.  Are you reading anything fun right now?

Of course it's Thanksgiving tomorrow.  Are you getting everything ready for your feast?  Any special dishes you have to have?  I like mashed potatoes and gravy.  Boring, I know.

So . . . *pulls up chair* tell me all about your books, word count, and Thanksgiving.  We've got a bit of time, right?


Debra Erfert said...

I missed the announcement. Which book have you started? The mystery? Or are you keeping this a secret until you're closer to finishing it?

After Thanksgiving is over, I'll get into the steampunk short story I started for an anthology contest my publisher has up right now. 4,000 to 10,000 words. Its deadline is December 31st. They push steampunk heavily. And I figure if I want to get in on their marketing efforts, doing this short story is a good idea. Personally, I don't like steampunk. It's not my thing.

Julie Coulter Bellon said...

Yeah, steampunk would be overwhelming for me, too.

I have started the mystery! It's just too fun to put on the shelf. :)